Adenydd Stuut

High Quality Software Development

'Leaving a mark on nostalgia is a guarantee for the future'

About me

My name is Adenydd, I'm 21 years old and I'm a Software Engineer and Student with a focus on OOP languages

I'm well versed in Java, Kotlin, C#, C++, PHP, and JavaScript

I've been writing software for variety gaming companies since 2020, ranging from gameplay elements to full on web and discord integrations.
I'm currently employed by Cable, a publicly accessible software market for these gaming companies.

I'm also a well versed team and community manager, having ran some of the largest communities in modded Minecraft, with playerbases ranging from 40-1200 concurrent players at all times.

My projects:

Contact Me

For business inquiries please feel free to reach out to my social media or by e-mail.